This challenge may be a little more difficult than our past few ones, but I think you will all enjoy it just the same. The challenge is to create a slider card. You can view the tutorial here. I love learning new techniques and finding new types of cards to make. I hope you can find the time to fit a slider card into your card line up. Our design team, which by the way includes 2 fabulous new members- Wini and Courtney, have come up with some great examples to help get you on your way!
I would also like to announce the winner of the previous challenge, it was
I would like to thank all of you that played along in our girlie girl challenge. I think that is the largest most successful Scrappy Frogs challenge yet!!!!
The winner has been chosen by and is # 2 Crafty C!!!!
Congratulations Crafty C and please email me at mindyrapp at so that I can get your information and you can get your prize!!!Now on to the current challenge- Stitching. It can be faux, it can be real, whatever you want. The Design Team has a few examples to get your creative juices flowing.
Now it's your turn to show us your stitching creations!!!
Scrappy Frogs is a challenge blog featuring challenges of all different kinds to get your creative juices hopping and have some fun along the way. Challenges are posted the first Monday of every month. We welcome everyone to play along and challenge themselves. We have assembled an excellent Design Team of very creative women to help inspire you and get you hopping in the right direction.